Digital programs

The Center for Learning’s digital programs provide the formation, practical wisdom and community that ministers need. Learn more about our free webinars, subscription packages and more here.


The Center for Learning’s practical, targeted webinars provide ministers with the information they need to be effective in parishes, Catholic schools and more. From “Liturgical life in merged parishes” to “Sound system essentials for pastoral ministers,” our webinars offer theological and liturgical education, practical tips from experienced ministers, interpersonal themes promoting community life and resources to maintain the mental and physical health of ministers, preventing burnout.

You can see all our upcoming webinars and sign up from our calendar page – or access all the Center for Learning’s past webinars in our video library.

Professional learning communities

We’re not meant to minister alone! That’s why we are building relationships and investing in ministry professionals who can support and learn from one another through Center for Learning professional learning communities.

Professional learning communities meet over the course of a month to discuss specific topics relating to Catholic ministry. They consist of four 90-minute sessions with conversation led by experienced pastoral and liturgical ministers.

You can see all our upcoming themes and sign up from our calendar page.

The Liturgy Forecast

The Liturgy Forecast is a series of informative conversations on liturgical seasons with and for pastoral ministers. Featuring a panel of experts, each session focuses on one season of the liturgical year, providing a firm foundation for anyone who needs to plan liturgies, select music, design a liturgical environment, write homilies, and more. Subscribe for one low rate and get access to six seasonal sessions covering everything you need for each unique liturgical year. A free companion series is also available for Catholic schools.

Learn more about this invaluable series and subscribe here.